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With Oxford and Collins, the world's most recognizable dictionaries, we provide richer meanings, synonyms and examples 漫画、無料で読め, 無料漫画(マンガ)読む, 漫画スキャン王 Gaijin (外人, [ɡai(d)ʑiɴ]; "outsider", "alien") is a Japanese word for foreigners and/or non-Japanese national. The word is composed of two kanji: gai (外, "outside") and jin (人, "person"). Similarly composed words that refer to foreign things include gaikoku (外国, "foreign country") and gaisha Loading LINEスタンプに『進撃の巨人』『五等分の花嫁』のマンガスタンプが登場! 「五等分の花嫁展 REVIVAL」札幌会場開催決定! 「『進撃の巨人』The Final Season」の新ビジュアル&PVが公開! 画像.
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